
A Dealership Opportunity for Contractors Who Want More

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Dealer Benefits...

Our Model Is Simple:

We don't benefit until we make you successful!

These benefits are all included in your dealer package, at no addtional cost:

Our processes are fully documented

Sales Training

We have developed a sales system based on a process used by 100's of contractors. The sales system is fully documented, including scripts, methods, tools and support materials. We also have a carefully crafted "Closing Trail," a no-pressure, question based sales technique to turn your good sales people into great closers!

Production Training

We have a 40,000-square foot home performance and attic insulation training center, the largest facility in the world dedicated to training your production teams on how to install attic air sealing, insulation retrofits, and insulation equipment.

The sales process incorporates
Our processes are fully documented

Book of Solutions

The sales process incorporates our "Book of Solutions," detailing over 30 problem building assemblies. These detailed descriptions cover virtually all the problems that you and your team will encounter in an attic. The Book of Solutions separates you from your competitors.

Award-Winning Software

Our software program, called AtticPro, was developed and supported by our own in-house software experts. It will help your sales people stay on track with our sales system, leading to more homeowners buying your attic air sealing, duct sealing, and insulation services.

The sales process incorporates
Our processes are fully documented

Internet Marketing with LiveBuild Website™ technology

The most powerful tool we've built and nonexistent from anywhere else. LiveBuild™ creates a unique experience that is proven to improve your website's conversion of visitors into sales leads. All leads flow through your website so they are exclusive, well educated, and know your brand!

24/7 Access to Online Training

You and your entire company will have unlimited access to our 24/7 online training library. All of these systems, programs and tools have been tested and proven. Materials include sales, production, marketing, management training and more!

The sales process incorporates
The sales process incorporates


The centerpiece of our marketing system is the Fish On! marketing program for contractors, developed over 30 years by Larry Janesky and his marketing team at Contractor Nation. Our dealers receive world-class marketing strategies that have been proven to generate leads, along with the training and support to execute these strategies in their local areas.

Exclusive and Proprietary Products

You will receive exclusive, private-labeled products and insulation equipment that provides major marketing and sales advantages compared to your competition. Our "ProductPro" videos are in our on-line training library. Use them to train your sales and production teams!

The sales process incorporates
The sales process incorporates

Morehouse Financing by Enerbank

Dealers are automatically eligible for our exclusive consumer finance program and can offer a comprehensive array of financing options to help close more sales!

Management Training and Development Program

We have training programs for all the functions of your business, including a 2-day training program to teach your functional managers how to get the most out of your teams.

The sales process incorporates
The sales process incorporates

Audio/Video Production

Need a radio or T.V advertisement? We got you covered! The Eye Star Station is a team of dedicated, highly-skilled video production and editing professionals, all at no additional cost to you!

Other Programs:

  • A complete recruiting and hiring program.
  • A "How To" guide on building a culture for retaining your best employees.
  • An award-winning Customer Service Program.
  • "My Lead Tracking"
  • Access to The SOEO

All of these training programs and benefits are all included as an Attic Systems Dealer!

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Learn More About Our Dealership Opportunity Today!

There is minimal investment needed to get started, and our team of dealer support experts are available to you to help you implement the program in your business. Find out more today! (territories limited)

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Copyright Attic Systems

60 Silvermine Rd. | Seymour, CT | 06483

Contact Bob Showers
Phone: 814-441-3800
